
Hautelinks- Week of 12-24-09

Hautelinks: Week of 12/24/09

Hautelinks - your weekly source for the best of the web

* StyleWatch Gallery: What the Stars Really Loved This Year is a 2009 compilation of one of my favorite features from PeopleStyleWatch! They do a column called “I Really Love My…”, where they show the pieces stars wear over and over (like Rachel Bilson’s favorite bag, or Jennifer Anniston’s favorite shoes). For some reason, this totally fascinates me.

* Damsel in Distress is a great article from the New York Times on how girls today are embracing a new idea of what’s sexy when it comes to clothes. Hint: the “model off duty” look is much hotter than the “cute little girl” look.

A disdain for such sweetly conventional trappings of sex appeal has trickled down of late from tastemakers like Ms. Watson to scores of followers who are swapping their baby-doll dresses coach outlet online, spindly heels and lace for the flinty attractions of studs and leather, mannish jackets and rock-star jeans. Their embrace of a pointedly aggressive, street-smart style suggests that the more adventurous are rethinking the tenets of female allure.

* The Swoon Project is too cute. It’s a blog where people send in their most romantic true stories and experiences. If you loved The Notebook coach outlet, you’ll probably love this blog.

* I’m all for the green movement, but jewelry made out of melted-down braces?! Um, I’ll pass.

* The NY Times did a great article on the pyschology behind wording and formatting on restaurant menus – who knew that calling cookies “Grandma’s” would make them more likely to sell? Or that taking dollar signs off the menu increases sales? So weird and interesting.

* Frocktastic is a really cool shopping website that grabs dresses from all over the internet and makes them searchable by color, pattern, price, and more! Totally addictive.

* Although they’re not a music blog, Refinery29′s list of the best albums of the year rocks! It even includes free song downloads. Yay!

* If you want to check out an awesome music-specific blog, Pretty Much Amazing is my personal favorite. It’s not pretentious like most others (there’s love for Britney AND Grizzly Bear – on the same site!) and always has tons of great downloads. They also did a list of the absolute best songs of 2009 coach outlet online store, which is awesome.

* The Jersey Shore Nickname Generator is hilarious. What would your nickname be if you lived at the Jersey Shore? You’re looking at The Rack!

* I don’t know what’s more shocking: the fact that someone did this, or the fact that someone hasn’t done this on a college campus yet: Christmas Tree Made from 1,000 Full Heineken Bottles.

* Check out Vogue’s list of the 20 Best Dressed Women of 2009. Do you agree with the picks?

* Facebook Headquarters is SO cool! It resembles a cool art museum more than an office. I would love to work in a space like that, wouldn’t you?

* DesignNotes interviewed Inaki Escudero, a man who decided he was going to read one book a week for an entire year. I wish I had the dedication (and time) to do that! Would make a rad New Year’s resolution.

* Hahah, Why It’s Better To Pretend You Don’t Know Anything About Computers is SO TRUE. Since I’m my parents’ appointed “computer tech support genius”, I totally agree with this.

* The Daily Green has a list of the best ugly Christmas sweaters. Too funny.

* It’s almost 2010, and you know what that means: time to shop for a new calendar Coach Outlet Store Online! Refinery 29 has a great list of calendars to do your 2010 schedule justice. I kinda want them all!

* Why Every Girl Wants to Be a Fashion Stylist is interesting reading:

Every decade has one: a girl��s dream career.

In the 1950s, it was glam to be an air hostess. Come the 1960s, everyone wanted to be a model. Then there were the dream jobs of the 1970s (musician), 1980s (��businesswoman��) and 1990s (working in PR).

And what has emerged as top possible girl��s job of the Noughties? Being a fashion stylist. Previously an insider��s job with little recognition and even less money, styling is now a career with the profile, prospects and pay packet that little girls aspire to. In their millions.

* 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice is a look at how The Elements of Style is overrated given the quality of its advice and may even be giving the WRONG advice to tons of college students across the globe.

* Glamour Magazine has tips on how to avoid getting sick this winter. Most of these are your typical fare, but still worth reading to remind yourself!

That’s it for this week’s list. Post any of your favorite links in the comments section and we’ll check them out! Hope you have a merry Christmas if you celebrate, and if not Coach Outlet, enjoy the break from classes!

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